What To Do If The IKEA Dishwasher Does Not Dry Dishes? (6 Fixes)

ikea dishwasher does not dry
ikea dishwasher does not dry

If your IKEA dishwasher does not seem to be drying dishes properly, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. Begin with reading the user manual to see if there is a setting for extended drying time.

If you find one for your model, ensure this setting is turned on. Next, try running the dishwasher with the heated dry cycle turned on.

This will help to improve drying performance. If dishes are still not getting dry enough, there may be an underlying issue.

Continue reading as we troubleshoot this issue in detail but first, it’s necessary to identify the problem. Common causes leading to this issue include:

  • Dishwasher not draining properly
  • Clogged air vent
  • Defective heating element.
  • Faulty Settings
  • Shorter Wash cycles

If your dishwasher has faulty drainage, the dishes will not have a chance to dry completely. Open the dishwasher during a wash cycle and see if water is present. Let’s help you fix this issue with a few easy troubleshooting steps.

What To Do If The IKEA Dishwasher Does Not Dry Dishes?

  1. Adjust Washing Cycle

First, you can try to adjust the washing cycle settings. If the dishwasher is set to a shorter cycle, it may not give the dishes enough time to dry completely. Try setting the cycle to a longer duration to see if that helps.

The main disadvantage of a short cycle is that it can leave dishes wetter than usual.


Adjust the water temperature; if the water is too cold, it can make it more difficult for the dishes to dry properly. Try increasing the water temperature to see if that helps.

  1. Use a Dishwasher Rinse Aid

Another thing that can help is to use a dishwasher rinse aid. This can help to reduce the amount of water on the dishes, making it easier for them to dry.

Adding a rinse aid to your dishwasher’s reservoir can help reduce water spots and improve drying. Another benefit of using dishwasher aid is to help prevent streaks and spots from hard water.

If you notice that your dishes are no longer getting as clean as they used to, it may be time to descale your dishwasher. Over time, mineral deposits can build up in the dishwasher and cause it to work less efficiently.

water glass

Descaling the dishwasher will help to improve its performance.

  1. Make Sure the Dishwasher Is on Level

Another potential issue could be that the dishwasher is not level. If the dishwasher is not level, it can cause the water to pool in certain areas, making it more difficult for the dishes to dry.

Make sure the dishwasher is level and see if that helps. If you’re unsure how to adjust the level of the dishwasher correctly, you can consult the manual.

  1. Check the Drainage System

If the dishwasher drains properly, the water should not be pooling anywhere. If there is water pooling in the dishwasher, it could be a sign that there is an issue with the drainage system.

Ensure there are no blockages in the drainage system and that the dishwasher is draining properly.

  1. Set Proper Settings

Dishwashers have different settings to adjust the amount of water used and how long the cycle will run.

If the dishes are no longer coming out as dry as you would like, check the user instruction manual to see if you need to change any of these settings.

Minerals accumulate in the dishwasher’s heating element if you have hard water.

This can prevent the dishes from getting hot enough to dry properly. Cleaning the heating element will usually solve this problem.

  1. Contact IKEA Customer Service

If you’ve tried all these things and the dishwasher is still not drying dishes correctly, there may be an issue with the dishwasher itself. In this case, you should contact IKEA customer service for further assistance.

Concluding Thoughts:

You can try several things if your IKEA dishwasher is not drying dishes properly. Adjusting the washing cycle and water temperature or using a dishwasher rinse aid may help.

Contact IKEA customer service for further assistance if the dishwasher still has issues.

If you have any other questions or tips on dishwasher care, please share them in the comments below!

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