5 Best Solutions For IKEA Dishwasher Doesn’t Stay Open

IKEA Dishwasher Doesn't Stay Open
IKEA Dishwasher Doesn’t Stay Open

The IKEA dishwasher is great because it is affordable and reliable.

However, there have been reports regarding the dishwasher not staying open. If this happens to you, here are a few things you can do.

Begin with identifying the issue. Common reasons why the IKEA dishwasher doesn’t stay open include the following:

  • The dishwasher is not level.
  • Something is blocking the dishwasher from opening fully.
  • The door gasket is damaged.
  • The door latch is damaged.
  • The washing cycle was interrupted, and the door was not opened immediately.

What happens if the dishwasher doesn’t stay open?

If your IKEA dishwasher won’t stay open, it could be due to a few different issues.

To identify the cause of this problem, you should first try to determine which part is causing the issue. It could be related to the hinges or the latch mechanism on your dishwasher door.

A broken or damaged hinge is the most common cause of a dishwasher door not staying open. The hinges are designed to last many years, but they can wear out over time and must be replaced.

If you notice any cracks or damage on the hinges, then it may be necessary to replace them with new ones.

Another possible cause of this problem is a faulty latch mechanism or spring. If the latch is not working properly, it can cause the dishwasher door to close unexpectedly.

To check if this is the issue, inspect the latch and look for any signs of wear or damage. If any defects are present, you will likely need to replace the entire latch assembly.

Sometimes, the dishwasher door may not stay open even after replacing the hinges or latch. This could be due to an improper installation of the dishwasher.

If this is the case, you may need to adjust the height of the dishwasher and ensure that it is properly leveled on your countertop.

If none of these solutions solve your problem, you should call a qualified repair technician for help.

They will be able to diagnose the issue and suggest the best action to fix it. With their expertise, they can ensure that your IKEA dishwasher stays open and runs smoothly.

No matter the cause of your dishwasher not staying open, it is important to take action quickly to avoid further damage or inconvenience.

With the right knowledge and tools, you can easily fix this issue and return to using your IKEA dishwasher. Continue reading as we troubleshoot these issues in detail.

If your IKEA dishwasher doesn’t stay open, there are a few things you can do to try to fix the problem.

IKEA Dishwasher Doesn’t Stay Open

1. Ensure Dishwasher is Level


Your dishwasher might not be staying open because it isn’t level. If the dishwasher isn’t level, the door won’t be able to open properly. 

Using a leveler or a ruler, you can check to see if your dishwasher is level.

Place the leveler on the floor next to the dishwasher.

Then, open the dishwasher door and check to see if the leveler is level with the dishwasher’s top. If it isn’t, you’ll need to adjust the legs of the dishwasher until it is level.

2. Check the Door Hinges

If the dishwasher is level, but the door still isn’t staying open, there may be an issue with the door hinges. 

If the hinges are loose, you’ll need to tighten them. You can do this by using a wrench or a screwdriver.

If the hinges aren’t loose, something may block the door from opening properly. 

Ensure nothing is blocking the door, such as a dish towel or silverware. If there is, remove it and try opening the door again.

3. Fix the Door Latch


If you still can’t get the door to stay open, there may be an issue with the door latch.

The door latch maintains the door closed. If it isn’t working properly, the door won’t stay open.

You can check the door latch by opening the dishwasher door and then trying to close it.

If the door doesn’t close, the latch may have an issue. You can fix it by adjusting the latch or replacing it.

4. Replace the Door Gasket

If the hinges are tight and the dishwasher still needs to be opened, the problem may be with the door gasket. 

Over time, it warns out and no longer provides a good seal. To fix this, you’ll need to replace the door gasket.

5. Check the Door Seal

dishwasher door seal

Check if the door seal needs to be sealed properly. This is the rubber seal that goes around the door itself. If it’s not sealing properly, air can escape and cause the door to close.

To fix this, you’ll need to replace the door seal. These are a few possible solutions to the problem of an IKEA dishwasher not staying open.

If you’ve tried all these and the problem persists, you may need to call a professional for help.

To Prevent This Issue:

  • Make sure the dishwasher is level when installed
  • Do not block the door from opening fully
  • Check the door gasket and replace it if necessary
  • Check the door latch and adjust or replace it if necessary
  • If the washing cycle is interrupted, open the door immediately
  • Ensure that the door seal is sealing properly
  • If the problem persists, call a professional for help.

When to take the dishwasher for repair?

If the dishwasher is not open, it’s a sign of an issue and should be taken to a repair shop.

If you have trouble locating parts or don’t know where to start looking, contact an IKEA service representative who can help you.

When repairing the dishwasher, ensure that all parts are in good condition and that nothing is loose. If any of the screws and nuts are missing, replace them.


Also check for any clogged drains or filters, which can cause water to back up in the dishwasher and prevent it from staying open.

If all of these checks have been done and there is still a problem, it is time to take the dishwasher for repair.

If you’re unsure how to diagnose the problem, contact an IKEA service representative who can point you in the right direction.

They can also advise on cleaning and maintaining your dishwasher so it will last longer and perform better. Taking proper care of your dishwasher will help ensure that it lasts many years.

Concluding Thoughts:

If your IKEA dishwasher doesn’t stay open, there are a few things you can do to try to fix the problem.

Begin by checking to see if the dishwasher is level. If it isn’t, you’ll need to adjust the legs until it is.

Next, check the door hinges to see if they’re loose. If they are, tighten them.

If the hinges aren’t flexible, something may block the door from opening properly.

Remove the obstruction and try opening the door again. If the door still doesn’t stay open, there may be an issue with the door latch.

Try fixing it by adjusting the latch or replacing it. Another possibility is that the door seal needs to be sealed properly.

To fix this, you’ll need to replace the door seal. If the problem persists, call a professional for help.

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